How to spell out my email address
It is comprised of seven parts - all joined together one after another.
- The most common Irish form of 'James'
- The English word for an adult male duck
- The first Arabic Numeral - not 0, the other one ;)
- The 'at' symbol
- Rhymes with 'be stale', but begins with 'g' - tis a big tech company
- Dot
- United States form of 'mum', but replacing the first 'm' with 'c'
I hope that isn't too arduous. The reasons for the complexity are the following,
in order of importance:
- To make my e-mail address seem more interesting.
- To make myself seem more interesting.
- For security - to help prevent scammers and spammers.
- As an intelligence test to prove you aren't a bot, and I don't have a
collection of sea-plane images for you to organise.
- To allow communication only from folk who are committed enough to
go through the process.
- Too lazy to get a new e-mail.
- Giggles.